The Machine Trailer

2013年威爾斯英國影藝學院電影獎最佳影片。兩位電腦工程師創造出一具擁有人工智能的機器來解決人類問題,但國防部卻偷了這項發明,並利用它做為一種新式的自動化武器。而該 ...,TheMachineisa2013BritishsciencefictionthrillerfilmdirectedandwrittenbyCaradogW.Ja...。參考影片的文章的如下:


特種進化The Machine(2013)

2013年威爾斯英國影藝學院電影獎最佳影片。 兩位電腦工程師創造出一具擁有人工智能的機器來解決人類問題,但國防部卻偷了這項發明,並利用它做為一種新式的自動化武器。而該 ...

The Machine (2013 film)

The Machine is a 2013 British science fiction thriller film directed and written by Caradog W. James. It stars Caity Lotz and Toby Stephens as computer ...

The Machine (2013)

London, in the near future. Britain is locked in a Cold war with China. Deep in a secret government base, leading scientist Vincent McCarthy (Toby Stephens) ...

【藍光電影】特種進化 機械危情 The Machine (2013)

評分 9/10 (1,065) · $ 【藍光電影】特種進化/ 機械危情/ The Machine (2013). 1. 直購 #訂單滿500元起寄. 定價. $80. 數量. 立即 ...

The Machine (2013) [ NON-USA FORMAT, Blu

評分 4.3 (949) The Machine (2013) [ NON-USA FORMAT, Blu-Ray, Reg.B Import - United Kingdom ] ... 庫存僅剩9 - 快下單。 ... 此品項可在收到後的30 天內以原始商品狀態退回,以便進行全額 ...

評分 4.4 (948) The Machine [DVD] : Toby Stephens, Denis Lawson, Caity Lotz, Pooneh Hajimohammadi, Sam Hazeldine, Lee Nicholas Harris, Siwan Morris, ...

The Machine (2013)

評分 6/10 (32,444) In efforts to construct perfect android killing machines in a war against China, UK scientists exceed their goal and create a sentient robot. The Machine · Parents guide · Full Cast & Crew · Trivia

The Machine (2013)

評分 79% (33) Two scientists fall in love while they are creating the world's first self-aware artificial intelligence. The work goes terribly wrong when the British ...

The Machine Official Trailer #1 (2013) HD The Machine Official Trailer #1 directed by Caradog W. · http://www.ultimenotiz... Click to subscribe: · ...

The Machine Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Robot Sci

The Machine Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Robot Sci-Fi Movie HD. 1.8M views · 11 years ago ...more. Rotten Tomatoes Trailers. 15.9M.


2013年威爾斯英國影藝學院電影獎最佳影片。兩位電腦工程師創造出一具擁有人工智能的機器來解決人類問題,但國防部卻偷了這項發明,並利用它做為一種新式的自動化武器。而該 ...,TheMachineisa2013BritishsciencefictionthrillerfilmdirectedandwrittenbyCaradogW.James.ItstarsCaityLotzandTobyStephensascomputer ...,London,inthenearfuture.BritainislockedinaColdwarwithChina.Deepinasecretgovernmentbase,leadingscienti...